10th Annual DENVER TANGO FESTIVAL over Memorial Day weekend.
 - May 27-31, 2010 (Thur - Mon)
 - Special Invited Teacher: Eric Jeurissen.
- Early arrival workshops by Homer & Cristina Ladas on Thursday, May 27.
 - Denver Doubletree Hotel: $89/night +tax
 - Free Hotel Shuttle.

 - Eric Jeurissen, Nijmegen, Holland
 - Homer and Christina Ladas, San Francisco
 - Liz Haight & Masami Hirokawa, Santa Fe.

 - Sabah Chammas, San Diego, CA
 - Lampis Zalavras, San Diego, CA
 - Ramu Pyreddy, Washington, DC
 - Paul Akmajian, Albuquerque, NM
 - America Mauhar, San Diego, CA

(1) Register at http://tango.org/2010memfest
(2) Payment through Paypal or check to: LEM, LLC
(3) Book the Festival Hotel "Denver Doubletree Hotel":  (303) 321-3333
(4) Book your flights: Prices have been pretty good, recently

 - 7 Buenos Aires style milongas, Line-of-dance, Tandas and Cortinas
 - 2 Classes per day from Thursday to Sunday
 - Fabulous Outdoor Milonga and BBQ by Tango Colorado
 - Inexpensive, Nice Hotel.
 - Free airport shuttle.

Workshops are oriented to SOCIAL tango dancing, not STAGE tango. The level is generally pretty high, and many advanced dancers will be attending workshops. This is where you meet and get to know partners for dancing later at the milongas. Workshop gender ratios are very close to 50/50.

This is another "Tango Festival For Dancers, By Dancers", which means everything is designed with the dancers in mind. Dance floors will be arranged with tables around the edge so walkers don't disturb the line of dance. The floors will be crowded, but courteous. Expect two or three lanes and Buenos Aires style floorcraft. DJs will play tandas with cortinas.

Most people are familiar with the cabeceo to get dances, and the teachers will emphasize navigation and floorcraft in their classes.

 - Milonga Pass $85 (7 milongas Thu - Sun evening)
 - Workshop Pass $95 (4 classes)
 - Saturday Arrival Pass $150 (4 milongas and 4 classes)
 - Festival Pass $180 (7 milongas and 4 classes)
 - Additional Classes $35/day (2-classes)

Tom Stermitz
Denver, CO 80207

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