-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Datum: Wed, 31 Mar 2010 22:31:24 -0400 (EDT)
Von: Clay Nelson <>
Betreff: New Tango CD from Alex

Tango Teachers,
Here's a message from Alex Krebs regarding his new tango CD.
Hola Tangueros!
Here's the story of this cd: I wanted to put out a danceable
album using some of the best tango musicians in the US. Last April,
after cross-referencing many musicians, I found the cast and booked a
recording studio in New York. I spent one full day of recording with a
fabulous cast of musicians and a talented recording engineer and for the
past year have been mixing and mastering the cd and getting the artwork
done.  The result: The New York Tango Jam Session's, "Berretineando" 
CD's will be
for sale this Saturday and a portion of the entrance and cd sales this
Sat. will go to the continuing Haiti relief effort (through
MercyCorps). If you have friends/family in other parts of the
country/world and would like to turn them on to the cd (and help an
artist like me!), it will be
available for purchase on iTunes,, and 
April 3rd.  And if any of you have a way to get the word out
about this cd it would be great -- that's the main way that the word
will get out.

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