We are utterly delighted to announce the 1st Philadelphia International Tango
Festival, which will take place over Memorial Day Weekend (May 28-30, 2010).

The festival will feature the unusual juxtaposition of TANGHETTO, which has
been hailed as "the most seductive of the electronic tango bands," and THE
TANGO CHEESEBALLS, which are also world-famous in their own goofy way.  In case
you're not familiar with one or the other, check out the festival website
(http://philadelphiatangofestival.com) for videos that will make everything

Festival highlights include:

-- Milonga Qilombo on Friday, May 28 where THE TANGO CHEESEBALLS will present a
new choreography as well as an encore performance of "Este es El Rey."  Other
festival teachers will present Cheeseballs-inspired performances on the same
night and Lung-Kuei Lin will DJ.

-- An All-Night Milonga on Saturday, May 29 with TANGHETTO playing LIVE IN
CONCERT in the Skybox (http://www.2424skybox.com/), an exquisite 6,200
sq. ft. space.
The All-Night Milonga includes an intro lesson with Carlos & Tova
Moreno and will
be DJed by Jake Spatz.

-- Milonga Qilombera on Sunday, May 30 with LIVE JAZZ CORTINAS and DJ Adam

--  3 Cheeseballs-inspired HUMOROUS tango workshops and 3 pedagogically-rich
SERIOUS workshops.

Teachers and Performers include:
-- Carlos & Tova Moreno;
-- Ciko Tanik & Adam Hoopengardner;
-- Adam's alter ego "Ivana" teaching women's technique with Andres Amarilla;
-- and Jake Spatz.

Registration is ALREADY OPEN at http://philadelphiatangofestival.com.
Workshop space is limited, so please consider registering soon.

Questions? Contact Meredith Klein at 617-291-3798 or email

The 1st Philadelphia International Tango Festival is brought to you by the
Philadelphia Argentine Tango School (http://philadelphiatangoschool.com)

We are very grateful for the help and collaboration of the following
Philadelphia-area tango instructors & organizations. Please check out
their websites and attend their classes & events!

Lesley Mitchell & Kelly Ray (http://dancephiladelphia.com/)
Tango Hop - Lori Coyle & Sam Wilson (http://sanghaspace.com/)
Guillermo Elkhouss & Vittoria Natale (http://www.argentangodancers.com/)
Teresa & Juan Carlos Figueroa (http://www.tangotuyo.com/)
Jackie Stahl
Philadelphia University Tango Club
PennTango (http://www.dolphin.upenn.edu/tango/)
Temple Tango (http://www.facebook.com/TempleTango?v=info&ref=search)
Drexel Tango ( 
Amore Tango - Andrew Conway and Linda Chase (http://www.amoretango.com/)
Maly Fennell
Julie Jacobs

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