Hola Tangueros,

HERE IS THE INFO: www.communitymilonga.org

We are very lucky this month to have a special guest performance from
Felipe Martinez
from San Fransico/Madrid with our very own Patricia Greve! Not to
mention our very own internationally known DJ, Avik Basu.

Come and join us for tango and this very special performance.

A special thanks to Yelena Sinelnikova and a2tango for bringing Felipe
to Ann Arbor!

WHEN: Saturday 05/22/2010

Milonga from 9:30 - 1:30am
DJ: Avik Basu

Performance by Felipe Martinez and Patricia Greve

Please go to the website for maps and more information -

Any questions?  Email Marco at communitymilo...@gmail.com

Please spread the word and stay posted for the next Community Milonga.

Hope to see you there,

Marco and the Community Milonga Tangueros!

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