La AlterNATIVA Tangathlon - early-bird discount available until June 18th

A weekend of workshops, practicas and milongas, featuring 2 live performances 
by Narcotango!!

A fabulous line-up of visiting instructors:
   - Korey Ireland(Kansas) & Adeline Shieferstein (Berlin)
   - Alex Allende & Luz Castineiras (Buenos Aires)
   - Jay Abling(San Diego)& Mayumi Fujio Morrow(San Francisco)
   - Orlando Paiva Jr. (Los Angeles & Argentina)

Special Guest Artist: Momo Smitt, Tango Rapper!

When: June 25th through 27th, 2010
Where: Sacramento, California - various locations

For pricing and scheduling information go to

Early-bird and package discounts available!

Chris Peake

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