•       10th Annual Chicago Mini Tango Festival 
•       April 9-12, 2015 
•       www.chicagotangofestival.com 
•       2 weeks to start of the Festival 
•       9 instructors -7 from Buenos Aires 
•       6 DJs 
•       10 milongas - over 30 hours of dancing 
•       24 classes 
•       4 master classes for advanced dancers 
•       5 class Intensive Beginner Program 
•       Chacarera class 
•       Yoga classes 
•       History of Tango, 30's and 40's, lecture 
•       Kinetic Thai Bodywork Massages available 
•       Special rate at Rosemont Hilton until March 26, 2015 
•       Limited number of Full and Daily Passes available 
•       Milonga Passes and individual milonga tickets available for 
•       Limited number of private lessons available 
•       Advertising opportunities still available 
•       https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g6gFHY1IYhU 
•       Register at: http://chicagotangofestival.com/register.html

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