Enjoy a fabulous weekend of dancing at the 8th Edinburgh International Tango 
Festival on 22nd-25th May 2015.

Featuring workshops and dance performances from:
Claudia Codega & Esteban Moreno
Pablo Giorgini & Noelia Coletti
Jenny & Ricardo Oria

Live music from Sexteto Visceral
DJs: Dani Vilarino - Johan Steyn - Ricardo Oria - Alistair Smith - Michael 
Freedman - Billy Henderson

Dance the bank holiday weekend away in the beautiful city of Edinburgh.  With 
fabulous international DJs, beautiful venues and friendly faces you can dance 
both day & night until the wee hours. The Summer Ball takes place in the 
historic Greyfriars Kirk with live music from Sexteto Visceral from Buenos 
Aires. Each evening features a dance performance.
You can also enjoy over 20 workshops, from complete beginners right through to 
master classes, taught by our international maestros.

Full weekend passes start at £52 (approx €65, US$75)
* Closing date for passes is Friday 8th May *

For a comprehensive list of hotels & guest houses check VisitScotland. Their 
booking line (0845 859 1006, office hours) is an easy way to get yourself 
sorted or do it online.
For flats we have used Dickins and Edinburgh Flats. You can find lots of other 
options via Google too. Flats are often cheaper than B&Bs, have better 
availability and without the breakfast restrictions! If you want to find 
someone to share with then post on our Facebook page. You may be able to find a 
local host there too.
Edinburgh International Tango Festival
22nd-25th May 2015

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