I was viewing YouTube today to see how many videos of tango there are on the
site.  Then I began a search by names of milongueros--Ricardo Vidort, Ruben
Harymbat, Miguel Angel Balbi.  I was stunned when I came upon three minutes
of a video I filmed of Ricardo Suarez in June 2000.  Ricardo and I are the
only ones who have a copy.  I invited him to talk about his life in tango
and gave him a copy of the two-hour filming.  I viewed the entire filming
for the first time myself only last week, even though it was made more than
seven years ago.  It didn't take long to discover the identity of the poster
by going to his website.  He is teaching tango milonguero and travels to
Europe.  He has several photos of Ricardo Suarez on his website.  Ricardo
(at 83) is still working in his electrical repair shop in San Telmo to pay
the bills.

I don't know if Ricardo is aware that a three-minute clip of his video is on
the internet.  What a surprise for me when I discovered something I filmed
got onto YouTube.  I haven't the slightest idea of how to put a video on

Ruben Harymbat and Miguel Angel Balbi weren't aware of their existence on
the Internet until I informed them.  All those hidden cameras are capturing
dancers without their knowledge or permission and being shown to the world
that demands immediate access.

Janis Kenyon
Buenos Aires

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