Nina wrote: 
"If someone had offered me to "do a few milongas", I am not sure I would
have answered it any differently than this woman. :)Language holds
power.  Never underestimate the power of seduction (salesmanship,
persuasion).  This is an example of a failed sales attempt.  The man had
2 seconds for a sales pitch and he failed to sell himself and the
experience he was offering to the woman, and she did not want to be a
woman with him."

Okay, Nina, let's digress into a new topic momentarily.  My preferred
invite method is always the cabaceo, a custom I love,  despite the fact
that many followers in my neck of the woods (NYC ) are unfamiliar with
it, so instead of meeting the eyes of leaders would rather stare at the
floor glumly wondering why they arent dancing.  Add in the fact that
milonga hosts in the US strangely insist on keeping the lighting so dark
that you cant see a cabaceo from 10 feet away, let alone across the
room,  as you could in the brightly-lit  BA milongas.  (I always
wondered why they don't want us to see how everyone in the room is
dancing).     So, leaders often fall back on a poor alternative to the
cabaceo, the direct verbal invite.  Please educate me, Nina, what are
some examples of quality 2 second sales pitches you, or others on this
forum, have heard and accepted?  I have experimented with the gallant,
"May I have the honor of this tanda?" To the mundane, "would you like to
dance?", to the direct, "let's dance this one", to the humorous "good
god, woman,  its Disarli, how can you possibly sit this one out?"    I
would like to expand this repertoire, so if you have cant-miss ideas,
please share. 
-Martin Nussbaum  

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