David Liu writes:
> But, as a beginner coming into argentine tango, there probably
> a freshness to your questions that is appealing,

      I agree with David, humble childlike (relatively
speaking, with respect to tango) questions are appealing,
and most welcome.

      On the other hand, presumptuous one-year-experience
judgments about the tango, such as, "I've only been dancing
a year, but I think the cabaceo is stupid!" or, "Who gives
a hoot about strict Argentine floorcraft rules and other
silly outdated codigos, this is not Buenos Aires!" are not.

      Tango newbies should imitate a sponge seeking to soak
up knowledge about what tango *is*, rather than presume to
lecture us all about what, in their esteemed one-year opinion,
tango *should* be.

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