Igor Polk writes:
> Because they are slow: you have plenty of time to
> react and to interpret. IF YOU KNOW HOW !

     "If you know how."  Cute. :-)  This totally
misses the point I was making, that no matter how
well one can process and react to unfamiliar music
(which means yes, you do know how, thank you very
much), it is still inferior to the musicality that
comes from intimate almost-like-breathing familiarity
of the music being played.  How could it not be?

> Ok, Ok, I am going to restrain myself pointing who "plods
> around clumsily like Frankenstein's monster."

     Which effectively means that by posting this
oblique sideswipe, you did NOT restrain yourself in
any way other than a hypocritically technical one.

     I'm sorry that you disagree with my opinion on
musicality, Igor, and I'm also sorry that you can't
express your disagreement without insulting me, and
in a cowardly denying-you're-doing it manner to boot.

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