Bored now....
call your events whatever you like, but please don't generalize about  
the "milongas in buenos aires."  What you find hear depends entirely  
on where you look, and there are so many places to look.  The scene  
here seems to become increasingly varied (well thats my perspective,  
based on where I'm looking)
> Social Argentine Tango is about connection with partner and music  
> and the
> emotion that is aroused in that connection. That is its unique beauty.
> However, outside Argentina dancers see tango as steps. Somebody  
> missed the
> train.

Now here's something exciting.  I'm noticing a number of really young  
dancers in Buenos Aires dancing in a very energetic close embrace,  
beautifully musical, extended vocabulary that includes many of the  
elements on the "forbidden" list, and immensely popular at milongas  
like el beso (which I presume is on the "approved list" - of course it  
would depend on which night.)  You've said it yourself:  "its not  
about the steps," and some dancers are able to find and express the  
beautiful aspects of the social dance material with movements that are  
not on your list.  Do you exclude these dancers from the true tango?   
Does it matter that they are living, dancing, learning in Buenos  
Aires, should it matter?
> And they are not suitable for milongas in Buenos Aires. If you  
> change that,
> you are redefining the customs of social tango, and it is no longer
> genuinely Argentine.
?Which Milongas in Buenos Aires?
?trying to (re)define the customs of social tango is that exactly what  
you are doing?
?Genuinely Argetine? is tango as it exists now genuinely argentine?  
would it better or worse if it was?  does it matter?

I believe as a group we tangueros can get a bit stuck on what happens  
in Buenos Aires (I'm no exception).  Perhaps its more important what  
happens in our home towns and how our efforts support, or detract from  
the enjoyment of our shared experience of tango.   I just don't see  
the advantage of this "truth-in-advertising" angle on segregation.   
First because the "truth" in this case is contentious, and second  
because I'm not convinced the division is helpful for anyone.

just another perspective....

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