Amaury de Siqueira <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I would like to ask the entire community of
> dancers to show more
> kindness and respect to the dance and each other. 
> This brief exchange (and
> disagreement) underscores a lack of tolerance and
> respect that is not
> positive to those witnessing.  

Indeed, two people (not hard to figure out who) managed to get 
themselves on review (i.e., all their future postings will be reviewed, 
and rather strictly I might add) in the same day, for flaming.

"Trini y Sean (PATangoS)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> My own philosophy is that one shouldn't be criticizing
> someone publicly unless you've told them the same criticism
> to their face.

The rules actually permit reviews of public figures in Tango (those who 
promote themselves commercially in Tango) as long as (a) the reviewer is 
identified including the location of the community in which he or she 
belongs (to prevent anonymous or fake name "reviews" (b) it's not a 
competitor or someone acting on behalf of a competitor and (c) it's a 
real review based on actual experience. However, I have to say that some 
of the recent negative comments on some Tango personalities are so 
obviously lacking in specifics and objectivity that they reflect more 
negatively on the "reviewers" than on the person being (negatively) 

And a final reminder, the rules suggest a 2-posting-per-week limit, 
which actually has never been enforced (and is probably a little too 
restrictive at this point). When the list was hosted on listserv until a 
year or so ago, the software automatically enforced a 2-posting-a-DAY 
limit, but the new list server doesn't have that feature. So I would ask 
that all posters voluntarily observe at least the 2-a-day limit, which 
would help maintain the quality (or at least information content) of the 



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