> Nuevo dancing was only ever a lot of bad dancing with a few exceptions. 
> What's different now is that people are less excited by bad dancing.

Chris - On the face of it, this would appear to me to be an outstandingly
narrow minded and arrogant statement.

It is one thing to say that you don't like the esthetic of Nuevo, or that
you don't appreciate any dancer, Nuevo or not, who ignores the conventions
established by the organizers of a particular milonga, or who runs into
other dancers, etc.  But it is entirely another thing to state baldly that
Nuevo is per se bad dancing.  Don't you think that the ground rules of the
milonga, the floor conditions, and the abilities of the dancers might have
some impact?

Please.  What basis have you for stating that, with only "..a few
exceptions", Nuevo is just bad dancing?  And what makes you state so bluntly
that it is not social?  Don't you think that "social" also depends on the
ground rules of the milonga, the floor conditions, and the abilities of the


David Thorn 

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