
Has it ocurred to you that the person asking might actually dance American 
or Ballroom Tango and might actually love it. And you've just insulted THEIR 
dance. It's precisely this type of elitist attitude that causes many dancers 
from other genres to dislike Argentine Tango and/or AT dancers. Surely, we 
can extol the many virtues of Tango without denigrating other dances and
other dancers.

Keith, HK

 On Wed Mar 12  1:48 , Floyd Baker  sent:

>But.., the way I handle the other side of it.., is that I say I Tango.
>If someone asks what kind, I say what do you mean.    
>When they say American or Ballroom?  I shudder a little and act like
>they have just insulted me.  

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