Last night, I did not dance well.  Certain 'mistakes' are starting to repeat turning or stepping to my left when the woman's weight is
  on her right foot and I am not leading an ocho...ugh..I did that around three
  times in different makes for an ubrupt halt to the flow...duh.
  So, I'm thinking that I have gotten too loose and am letting my consciousness
  go wherever it feels like it...the music, the other dancers, etc. etc.. and 
  I stumble into a mistake.
  My question is to the men and women who dance close embrace.
   I'd like to hear any feedback from women about being conscious of the lead's 
   consciousness of her weight placement...anything at all would help.
  And I'd like to hear from the Men;  How do you keep the woman's weight/foot 
  in front of your consciousness at all times? Do you keep reminding yourself 
of it?
  Have you found a way to incorporate it into the whole feel of your dance?
  Is there a trick to it that you've discovered?..Do you visualize it (without 
looking down)
  somehow??.. all comments appreciated..

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