Sean here, with one man's perspective:

--- Astrid wrote: "so on a bad day, the women in reality
actually outnumber the danceable men by 8 or 10:1."

Come on Astrid, it's not fair and highly provacative to
compare the total number of women to the number of
"danceable" men. In my experience, if you compare daceable
women to danceable men, the ratio is probably much closer
to 1:1, regardless of the overall ratio of women to men.
The problem for "danceable" women is that many of the
danceable men cave in to the pressure to dance with
"undanceable" women.

--- Brick wrote: "And I'm sure that many of those women
thinking the men are not worth the time, suck worse than
the men they don't want to dance with."

Also provacatively phrased, but nonetheless often true in
my experience.

--- Astrid wrote: "And what gives you that idea?"

For me, it might be the number of women who tell me that I
am the only man who can make them "feel like they are 
_really_ dancing". I think their intention is to compliment
my dancing, rather than my hidden talent as an illusionist.
Sadly they don't understand and resent the time I spend
dancing with the women who are _really_ dancing, without
any need of my illusionist skills.


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