"Only one man in a thousand is a leader of men, the other 999 follow women."
Groucho Marx

At 07:07 PM 5/3/2008, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>The second Tuesday there starts here in L.A. a practica hosted by 
>CasaDePractica.com for ladies who lead.  I intend to go as a follower.
>When I first saw women leading (mostly) other women I was 
>annoyed.  It meant that TWO women were taken out of the pool of 
>women dancers.  I was also annoyed because most of the women had all 
>the bad qualities of beginning leaders: insensitivity to their 
>surroundings, trying movements too advanced for them, trying fast 
>and big movements which endangered others, and so on.
>As time went by I noticed more women leading, but grew less 
>annoyed.  As their average skill level improved they became less 
>dangerous.  It also dawned on me that here was a chance to learn to 
>be a follower.  I'd heard that learning to follow made (most) leaders better.
>Also, in classes I'd had teachers who were really good leaders 
>demonstrate a technique by leading me in it.  It was fun.  I didn't 
>have to think or be responsible or anything but just float along and 
>enjoy the music.  It took me years to get to the point where I could 
>experience this "Zen tango" while leading and it might have taken 
>longer if I hadn't had some meditation training.
>So out of curiosity is this phenomenon, ladies leading, on the rise 
>in other areas?  And do they lead men a lot?
>Larry de Los Angeles
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