Darlene writes---------> I never went to Confiteria Ideal (and it was 
only mentioned as a place tourists go).

The person who told you that was wrong. Certainly tourists go there, 
but the place is hardly deluged with them. It's very popular with 
Argentines, for several reasons.

It is centrally located. Easy to get to. There are many restaurants and 
hotels nearby, plus many kinds of shops. Classes are offered every day, 
often several. On the bottom floor you can have dinner and see a tango 
show. There's a milonga every day of the week on the second floor. See 
the following link listing them.


Furthermore, it is a place tourists SHOULD see. Scroll down the page 
just mentioned to the photos and you'll see why. It's a beautiful place 
which captures much of the history of the city.

Further, tango turistas tend to be reverential of tango customs and 
well-behaved. Naturally there are always a few who transgress from 
ignorance or arrogance. But then that's true of Argentines as well. 
(What? You thought all milongueros are angels!)

Another benefit when I went to BsAs was that many announcements of new 
events and places to dance can be found there. It is also a good place 
to rendezvous.

Do not let anyone keep you away from the wonderful Confiteria Ideal.

Larry de Los Angeles

Great rates on vacations.  Book now!

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