Let's see if this post makes the list.  I have been censored on and off 
and for what reason I have no idea.  In any event, there are several 
themes running through your last post Mario.  First and foremost.  The 
music.  When the music pauses so should the dancers.  Most dancers are 
so busy "thinking" about their next steps they forget to feel and listen 
to the music.  I remember once when I was teaching with my former 
partner, a student told another student she did not like dancing with 
him because he stopped so much during the song. (We used Di Sarli to 
teach with - and it is noted with pauses) The other student said to her 
maybe that was because the music paused.  The first student said she 
didn't care, that she preferred to keep on dancing.

The sensuality of tango comes from the music not from being embraced by 
a partner.  When you can feel the music and dance as one with that 
person.  Part of that sensuality includes pausing.  Includes using your 
feet.  Yes it is much more difficult.  If you do not have your own 
balance and axis you end up looking more like tree huggers grabbing onto 
each other to keep from falling over.  A tango where the dancers keep 
dancing regardless of the music is much easier.  You just dance what you 

As stated earlier, all dancers have their favorite.  I love vals and I 
love Di Sarli.  I dance milonga with and without traspie. I dance it 
well.  I almost never dance it.  One I don't like to dance milonga as 
much as I like to dance tango and vals. Two, there are very few men here 
(even in Buenos Aires) who can dance milonga well enough for me to enjoy 
dancing a milonga.  I also rarely dance to Pugliese.  Why?  I don't want 
to.  It does not mean I do not know how, I prefer other orchestras.

Each orchestra brings a different style of dance.  You should not dance 
the same to Troilo as you do to Di Sarli or Pugliese.  People here first 
listen to the music.  If they like the music, then they look for someone 
to dance with.  We want to enjoy our dance. It is not unusual here to 
find people who never dance one "ritmo" or the other.  Simply because 
they prefer not to, not because they do not know how. 

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