----- Original Message ----
> I've been told that posting a link to a youtube video and not saying much is 
>NOT adding content to Tango-L 
>  What is 'content' anyway? ..are 'changing directions' full of content 
>because they are full of words? 
Content to me would be for you to tell us what it is that you got ouf of it 
specifically when you watched a particular video clip. (BTW, most of the videos 
you point out I have seen before and so have, I am sure, many others.) But, I 
am interested in what you find in those clips for yourself. What questions 
might come to your mind and such. Then, we can have a possibly constructive 
discussion, rather than pontification.
Does that make sense?
BTW, I have studied many a video of Julio and Corina (both on Youtube and on 
their instructional DVDs and other sources), have admired much and adopted 
ideas I liked. If you are interested, I can tell you what specifically I liked 
and disliked. For example, I like very much their flow of dance. Their giros 
flow is nothing short of spectacular. I do not like thier embrace and posture. 
I saw a video my friend took of them dancing in a milonga in Buenos Aires and 
it was truly spectacular the way they danced in such confined quarters. I would 
never want to dance the way they dance, it is not my dance, but many ideas in 
their dance are beautiful, very useful, and wiorth studying. One more thing 
about Julio and Corina. they seem to dance all different dances pretty much the 
same (spectacularly technically well done) way. 
It is my experience that every dancer must find his or her body which will lead 
them to dance the best they can. No amount of imitation will give them that. 
Ideas - yes; copying - no. Some time ago I found out that what I thought to be 
a drawback (my height) I was able to turn into advantage and now I take full 
advantage of it and can thus give my partner a unique experience of dancing - 
not better, but unique. I still use the following quote as a motto: 
http://dubravko.kakarigi.net/graham.htm (you might need to copy and paste the 
link into your browser's URL window)
seek, appreciate, and create beauty
this life is not a rehearsal

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