> Dancing to Piazzolla (never danced to socially in Buenos Aires) does 
> not make it tango. Piazzolla himself said he did not compose music for 
> dancing.

I'm always amused when people make definitive statements on mailing 
lists. They are nearly invariably incorrect. Especially in cases like 
this. All we need is one person to report a Piazzolla track played for 
social dancing in Buenos Aires just the once, and the statement is made 

Given the number of Piazzolla pieces being re-used by other tango bands, 
it seems rather unlikely to me that Piazzolla is "never danced to 
socially in Buenos Aires".

Unless perhaps, Mel thinks that Nuevo Tango (You know, that type of 
music that Piazzolla created) isn't "social dancing", which would be 
taking the common dismissive attitude to Nuevo shown around here to 

When exactly did Piazzolla say that he "did not compose music for 
dancing"? I'd love to see the actual quote, particularly in context.

Myk Dowling
Tango-L mailing list

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