One of the things that I really do not like in this list are those that distort 
and twist anything that you say.  It almost sounds like the politicians in this 

Here is what I said : "The man eventually develops his own personal style and 
develops the same inside of the couple. The woman always adapts to the style of 
the man."

This is IMO a reference to a different subject than the one we were discussing. 
 I did not say that if a woman does not adapts to the man's style they are not 
dancing tango...but when you observe the different couples dancing tango it is 
obvious that the woman attempts to adjust to the man's style.

I said and repeat if you dance "something" in which you lead and the woman 
intentionally ignores and fights your lead, then you are not dancing the 
A.Tango that I have known.

I also said that you may dance anything that you like, enjoy yourself and if 
you wish to call it A. Tango, go ahead.  There is total freedom and 
improvisation in A. Tango.

When I said "Summary: I do not know what is that you are dancing but I know 
what you are not dancing" ...

...I was referring to Salsa, Mambo, Merengue, Fox-trot, Swing, Hustle, Americam 
Waltz, Viennese Waltz, Samba, Quick Step, Rumba, Bolero and any other ballroom 

I wonder who said that if do not dance milonguero style you are not dancing A. 
Tango. This is another absurdity.  We have discussed at nauseam that there are 
different tango styles and Milonguero is one of them.

Summary; please give your opinion without twisting or distorting.   

Best regards, Sergio

Bibliography : "Tango Un Baile bien PorteƱo" by Nicole Nau-Klapwijk  she says 
(page 110):

" The woman adapts automatically to the man's style, but she never modifies her 
essence. The way she stands, and she moves belong to her. 
Her "swing" her posture and dynamics have an influence on her partner, at the 
very least, in an indirect way.

If I dance with determination, it may happen that sometimes, I may take him to 
dance certain things that I felt before he did, this happens in such a way that 
he is not conscious of such an influence.  He accepts it without knowing.  We 
become so much together that my ideas become his ideas.

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