Mario wrote:
>   I would love to see a video of this give and take between partners...

You can't see it (at least not directly). You can only feel it. If you haven't,

Can you see the complex feedback mechanisms that people use for bipedal motion
(walking) without falling flat on their faces, or the ballistic reflex that lets
someone turn his head and continue to look the same way?

Yet I can assure you they are there, and there are thousands of pages of
peer-reviewed literature describing the mechanisms.

*In*directly, it's very easy to see (to take one extreme -- as I said, there are
all shades of greys, including leaders who will listen to the follower to see
her response but insist on his interpretation of almost everything, and this 
not apply to them) a leader who "just" leads without *any* regard for whether
the follower is tracking (so the couple moves in compliant motion).

It looks more like bungee-jumping than tango, and the follower looks
more like she's handled like a sack of potatoes than someone to care for.
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