Mario wrote -----> Oscar Casas teaching ganchos and leg wraps?

Joe Grohens wrote -----> As has been amply explained, this stuff is NOT 
tango. I believe that videos like this should be posted on nuevo-l.

Au contraire.  Almost all of the nuevo tango moves were invented by the 
milongueros long ago.  Look at some of the old black-and-white videos 
on the Web.  You'll see lots of volcadas, for instance, invented before 
the oldest nuevo dancers were even born. The only supposdedly nuevo 
movement that I believe is new is the colgada, and that's simply a 
parada out of an ocho that lets the half turn continue into three-
quarter, full, or even into several turns.

The sacada and boleo are very old movements.  They were around at least 
in the 1940s, because one of the interviews with a 
contemporary of Porteleo (Carlos Alberto Estevez) mentions that he was 
famous for working out how to add them to giros.

You'll also see some movements that no one today has copied, even nuevo 
or show dancers.  El Cachafaz and Rodolfo Cieri, for instance, can be 
seen in the following videos lifting their left legs and seemingly 
kicking their partners on her butt!

You will also see some of the famous milongueros breaking the rules 
that many consider correct.  For instance, Petroleo was known for 
getting so excited by the music that he raced around the floor on his 
toes, dragging his poor partner along beside him rather than keeping 
her in front.  (That was partly the fault of the partner, who should 
have leaned into him more.)

Only recently have tango performances been done by trained professional 
dancers.  Before them shows were done by the milongueros and their 
partners.  Virulazo (Jorge Martín Orcaizaguirre) in a TodoTango 
interview told about being a pro in tango shows in the 1950s.  Pepito 
Avellaneda (José Domingo Monteleone) in another TodoTango interview 
tells a similar story about a later time, when he becoming so popular 
that people from Europe would pay his travel expenses and his fee to 
have him perform and teach.

In shows the milongueros put their partners at a distance so they could 
do and lead fancy moves.  And they did fancy moves they would not do,
nor let anyone else do, on a social dance floor.  As is true of – 
thoughtful – nuevo tango dancers.

Larry de Los Angeles

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