Hi David,

You wrote:
But for me, I'd call the mysterious signaling medium, "vision".  Also, if I
was in open embrace, (and especially if the follower had her eyes closed),
I'd say the signaling medium was my hands or arms.  It makes it a little
less mysterious for me, rather than thinking of this nebulous thing called

True enough, everybody has their eyes open in the classes when we do this in
our standard curriculum, so certainly vision is commonly involved.

On the other hand, some OTHER communication experiments we run sometimes,
with leader's movements undetectable by intent onlookers, or even with
follower's eyes closed, raise verrry interesting questions.  As scientists
like to say at the end of experimental conclusions, "More research is
needed" ;)

In any case, it's meant to be a transitory short-duration learning
experience, to invite people to adopt a useful frame of reference for later
learning.  The LAST thing I'd want to do on a tango evening is spend too
much time not touching my partner ;)

Brian Dunn
Dance of the Heart
775 Pleasant Street
Boulder, CO 80302 USA
"Building a Better World, One Tango at a Time"

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