On Fri, Feb 27, 2009 at 7:00 AM, Trini y Sean (PATangoS) <patan...@yahoo.com
> wrote:

> --- On Thu, 2/26/09, Kristina Bohm <kristina...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > What do you think of "close embrance" after a guy
> > has been dancing several hours and is totally soaked in his sweat?... I,
> personally love both, close and open embrace. But recently I had to say 'no'
> to a great dancer whom I smelled already from 5 meters approaching me. (and
> yes, I smiled and said that I was tired...:) )
> Good answer.  By the way, anyone who has to work so hard that he sweats
> that much, might not be such a great dancer.

   Oh, dear.  Let me tell you something.  I sweat.  I sweat wearing shorts
in the winter.  Being in a dance hall or studio that's over 68 degress makes
me sweat, even before I start dancing.  But thanks for generalizing.

> > Another dancer, also at the end of milonga, after several
> > open embrace
> > tangos, told me that "he prefers close embrace"
> > and almost forced me to the
> > close position.
> I would have made an excuse and left in the middle of a tanda if someone
> tried that with me and I wanted to dance with him another time.  Otherwise,
> I would have just thanked him and left him on the dance floor.  If, however,
> you asked him to dance and you knew that he preferred close-embrace, then
> that's a different story.

   That's what your left elbow is for.  Lock it off if you really don't want
to dance in close.  But otherwise, I agree with Trini here.  Bail out if
you're not comfortable being in close with someone.

-Greg G
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