There's a comment right under the video explaining what's going on.
Apparently they are being filmed by a camera and the goggles show them
how they look from the side.

While I have no idea how effective this particular method, I can tell
there was more than one occasion when I looked at a video of myself
dancing and cringed at how bad my posture was. So this instant
feedback might be quite useful.


May you be forever touched by His Noodly Appendage... ( )

On Tue, Mar 17, 2009 at 4:42 PM, Mario <> wrote:
> Is good 'teaching' all about making the simple difficult?
> What I've learned from studying language acquisition is that the
> 'whole' is bigger than the sum of it's parts.
> Chopping a dance up into it's parts in order to learn to dance,
> has it's pluses and minuses...but seeing the whole dance as a 'whole'
> has only it's plusses. So, we work with this.
>  What I disagree with in this video, is alienating the student from
> an already asimulated part of him/herself. Taking what would be familiar and 
> making it foreign..My own belief is that fluency breeds more fluency.
> ..and getting away from fluency is just that..getting away from fluency.
>  Dances are best enjoyed when they are fluently danced.
>  So, I'm against practising awkwardness. What the heck are they doing, 
> anyway??
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