Ron wrote:

>> Outside Argentina, nuevo is rapidly becoming the de facto standard of
>> dancing at events advertised as 'milongas'. Non-tango music (including
>> 'tango fusion') is becoming a standard part of the music played at
>> these events, even becoming the predominnt form of music at some
>> events labeled (or even not labeled) as 'alternative milongas'.

>> true that there are still milongas outside Argentina where
>> social tango dancing predominates and classic tango music is played.

Actually, Ron, it is far worse than you might imagine.  There are a large 
number of nuevo tango dancers 
who despise the neo-tango and electronic tango music.  They by far prefer 
dancing to real, traditional, 
tango music.  Preferring the music played at authentic milongas, those dancers 
invade the sanctity of 
the dance floor and, space permitting, perform all sorts of wild gyrations 
right there in plain sight of 
their putative elders. 

What's more, these dancers are generally younger and fitter than most of us old 
farts, and both the 
men AND THE WOMEN think that they are dancing "socially" with each other, with 
everything strictly 
improvised lead-follow, when in fact they are clearly trying out for the 
circus.  OMG!!!!!

I think that the only solution is bouncers!  I have heard that they kick 
people out of the Authentic milongas in BsAs if they are misbehaving.  
Authenticity is the US will certainly be enhanced by having bouncers.  


D. David Thorn

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