On Tue, Apr 28, 2009 at 11:41 PM,  <jb34...@att.net> wrote:
> As Sergio Vandekier and Clay Nelson, among others, patiently explained, 
> Argentine tango has been evolving. We should appreciate the wisdom of the 
> Buenos Aires city fathers who obviously recognized that evolution. Why did 
> they set the minimum of the traditional argentine tango music at 70% and not 
> at 95% or 90%?

      Because they wanted to be sure to include all milongas (no
matter how weird) under their new regulations after that disastrous
fire a few years back.  I can assure you that these percentages had
nothing to do with "defining" Argentine culture, but rather enforcing
their new rules.

Huck, "how's that for patiently explaining"

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