The "malambo" was born in the loneliness of the plain around 1600. Among our 
dances, it is an exception because it does not have lyrics, the music of the 
guitars accompany this dance that only men perform. The dancer shows off with 
the tap dancing, the "cepillada" (brushing) (to graze the floor with the sole 
of the foot), the "repique" (the hit with the heels and the spur) or the 
"floreos". His feet hardly touch the ground.
The dancer’s movements, when crossing his legs, tapping energetically making 
capers with the lasso and the balls, are amazing. The "malambo", the same as 
the "payada the contrapunto" (poetic competition) was, in the traditional 
dances, a real tournament of the "gaucho’s" skills.

Malambo competitions are part of the celebration of the end of the harvest in 
rural areas.  Malambo dancers also perform in folkloric shows in the cities.
The gauchos competing are judged by the symmetry of their steps, (they show 
that they are able to do the steps with both legs), skill, dexterity, clothing, 
elegance, attitude, demeanor.
Sometimes they use boleadoras, lazos, spurs.
There are competitions of Quartets de Malambo, (four dancers). These 
competitions are choreographed.
The instruments that are used are the drum, the guitar, violin and bandoneon.  Drums and boleadoras Malambo Show  With Boleadoras  Cuarteto
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