Style is:

a particular kind, sort, or type, as with reference to form, appearance, or 
character: the baroque style; The style of the house was too austere for their 
When we talk of tango styles we have to say that there is an infinite number of 
tango styles, each person eventually dances his own style.
There are styles that are danced only by one person and there are styles that 
are danced by many persons.
There are styles that are very popular, and others that are a rarity.
What causes a style to become popular? - the fact that somebody starts to teach 
that particular style and creates a number of followers willing to dance in 
that particular form, and eventually to teach it to other dancers.
In Argentina people divide tango  1- as Salon : the one used for social dancing 
and 2- Stage, the one to use on stage for exhibitions.
Salon includes different styles, some rare, same very popular.
Tango tradicional as it is danced in my neighborhood of Villa Urquiza.  Elegant attire. Embrace in V. Close 
or open according to necessity.
Long steps. Use of firuletes (embellishments) boleos, amagues, ganchos, 
dibujos, walked turns with sacadas, etc.
Used for social dancing or for exhibitions.   Tango tradicional. Social dancing .
Estilo Milonguero 9Milonguero Style) : As danced in Downtown Buenos Aires.  Formal attire, step length 
according to available space, usually small. Embrace is closed, it can be more 
framed in front of each other, the embrace is closed throughout the dance. 
Simpler steps adjusted to the lack of space and the close embrace. use of ocho 
cortado o milonguero.
Estilo Canyengue  A historical style, danced in time 
of my grand parents.
Embrace in V, more apilado, both partners looking in the same direction and to 
the floor in front of them.
Left hand of the man at waist level. Small, rhythmic steps. Improvised with a 
different choreography.
Tango Nuevo  Semiformal or informal attire, 
style preferred by young people.
Open embrace, use of special technique for leading and following, use of unique 
technique for teaching, 
use of all the available firuletes (embellishments), utilization of a wide 
variety of tango music, non traditional and on occasions even non tango music.
Tango Elegante - Orlando Paiva - This would be a style that is not very 
popular. Orlando paiva is from Rosario, not from Buenos Aires it has taught in 
the USA, mostly in California and has a small group of followers in Argentina.   The gentleman with white hair 
dancing with the lady in violet dress. this is a very elegant variation of 
Tango tradicional.  Orlando Paiva 
dancing at Sunderland in Villa Urquiza. Long steps, embellishments, formal 
attire, great elegance, long steps, stepping toes first.
Best regards, Sergio
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