Vince Bagusauskas wrote:
> More importantly, in the last few days I have been in correspondence with 
> Dierdre which made me take stock on: nuevo,  life in BsAs, gringos and the 
> dominance of leaders navel gazing on Tango-L, whereas all she wants is a 
> bloody good dance.  Maybe one day Dierdre we can can catch-up and see if I 
> can measure up.
This is a good point. I can talk for hours about what it's like as a 
leader; what I'd like to hear from this list is what I can do to make 
things more enjoyable for the ladies I dance with. Here's a few 
questions to start things off. Replies from ladies/followers are 
particularly desired here.

How firm an embrace do you like? There's a big range between a firm hug 
and a gentle arm resting on your back. What's best, or what 
circumstances make different options right at the time?

Ganchos, colgadas, volcadas, etc - are they fun to be led into? How many 
in a dance is good?

What's better, a dance with lots of changes of direction and swirling 
around, a dance stepping only forward and side steps, but really 
following the rhythm, a mix of both, or some other focus?

Leaders get to choose the kind of dancing they like to do, and followers 
pretty much have to make do with what's being offered. So what exactly 
does make for a "bloody good dance"?

in Canberra
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