Read the title of the emails, and notice that the name of the step is  
8CB w/ DREADED BACK STEP. The temido paso atras is the dangerous thing.

The 8CB does its own problem:

The average guy arrives in tango capable of navigating a crowded bar  
or cocktail party with a couple of drinks in hand. The VERY FIRST  
thing some teachers do to him is remove that capability by teaching an  
8 step choreography. Why start learning by going backwards?

AFAIK, most of the teachers in the US no longer teach the classic 8CB  
w/DBS. Instead they teach tango in smaller, easy to improvise figures.  
In particular, teachers from the Nuevo Analysis or Milonguero Style  
typically use the small sequence methodology of teaching.

It's true that many stage dancers construct choreographies out of the  
8CB w/DBS. On stage these steps serve the function of filling up the  
stage with interesting movements, with a visual presentation toward  
the audience. If you are a stage dancer, the 8CB w/DBS is probably the  
way your teacher taught you, and maybe you haven't considered other  

I hasten to add, there is nothing wrong with stage dancing, although  
in my experience, most guys coming to tango don't want to be on stage.

On Jan 5, 2010, at 11:46 AM, Charles Roques wrote:

> I'm not sure why people are taught to step back as the first step in  
> the 8-count basic as there is a danger of colliding with the person  
> behind you.  A step to the side as the first step is actually more  
> traditional and is seen often in milongas in Bs. As. (but not of  
> course in the nuevo milongas.)  I have seen it for years and most  
> people who teach it otherwise are usually interpreting it instead of  
> following tradition.  But it is also okay to step backward if the  
> space is free.  Also there is nothing "dreaded" about the basic 8- 
> count and resolution, it is only a base foundation step, a sort of  
> default step and generally universal.  You start there ....
> Cheers,
> Charles

Tom Stermitz
Denver, CO 80207

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