When you're a beginner, you don't recognize good dancing. You're
mesmerized by fancy and glitzy figures and think "I want to be able to
do that" so you're drawn to that "teacher."

Washington, DC
I'd danced Argentine Tango- - with the Argentines

On Mon, Jan 11, 2010 at 10:51 AM,  <hbboog...@aol.com> wrote:
Went to a milonga last night and not a nuevo in  sight. But guess what?
> Reeking havoc on the floor were the local self-proclaimed  teachers. > 
> Demonstrating how expert they were with endless boleos, kicking,  spinning 
> and > generally horrible floor craft.
> The question is why do men who  promote themselves to teachers act in this
> manner?  How can you teach tango without
> floor craft?--

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