Subject: Tango marathons
Vince Bagusauskas wrote -
With Melbourne holding separate 9 and 20 hour celebratory tango  
Personally, I think it is an opportunity to have people from across the
country come together and enjoy not only the dancing but the also the

It is great to see more Tango events attempting to attract national  
guests.  We hope it is a sign of growth.  Even so, with the current  
level of activity, it is getting ever more difficult to attract local  
communities to special events, let alone guests.

Let's see, since May/June (not in any order):
Sydney Tango festival, including Mudgee dance weekend (three visiting  
Argentine couples)
Two travelling nuevo / salon couples  (separate)
Fabrizio Forte (Brisbane)
New Zealand Tango Festival
Amenabar workshops (all over)
Blue Mountains Tango Synergy dance weekend

and coming up......
Milonga Para Los Niños 10th Anniversary Celebration (30th June - 1  
August), Brisbane (where it's 24 degrees C)
Sydney Salon Tango Festival  - September - October
Bundanoon dance weekend, November
Tango Fire (stage show)
there may be others..............

plus Tango marathons (2), Melbourne.  I have not seen any national  
publicity for these events in Tango Australia, Melbourne Tango Club  
Events or anywhere else.

Is all this activity resulting in poor attendance at local classes and  
milongas or is it creating more interest?  Our experience is the  
former where classes and milongas are down.

I'm getting the feeling the organisers of national events and one-off  
touring teachers will need to be very selective, coordinate nationally  
with other organisers and make sure that their offerings are excellent  
quality to succeed.

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