>From a sociological perspective, which gender mostly said you were angry, 
jealous, etc. and which gender mostly said she was tactless?

Buenos Aires milongas has codigos (codes). I haven't seen any rules at North 
American milongas, except first come, first served. Women tend dance with 
the first man who asks, even if they want to dance with somebody else, so as 
not to sit out the tanda. Cabeceo is impossible because the lighting is so 

I danced Argentine Tango --with the Argentines

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Nicetune Piazzola" <>
Subject: [Tango-L] Tango-L/ Social-ethical behaviors and protocols.

“Are there any traditional unspoken rules at Buenos Aires’ Milongas [or 
elsewhere] regarding how accompanied women …”
(Proper conduct ignored. Cultural differences?)

Although all this may be irrelevant to the tread, what is interesting to 
point out, is the fact that I was judged to be an angry, judgmental, 
jealous, and controlling man by few of her close friends who, considered 
that she had done
nothing wrong.

On the other hand, some other dancers, shared my opinion; according to them 
she had exhibited tactless, inconsiderate, and even improper behavior, 
placing me in a humiliating position; all of this aggravated by her 
inability to have a rational discussion, adopting a defensive, haughty, and 
resentful stance.


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