It is obvious that we dance tango for many different reasons.
Tango allows the masculine and feminine roles to be played.
I had the privilege and the pleasure of dancing with Trini many times, so I 
know what she is talking about.
I think that we described different milongas. I for one, described the milongas 
in my neigborhood of Villa Urquiza.  Some of the milongas Downtown certainly 
have a different dynamic.
I searched my records because I remembered that I had written a note about;
"The reason I dance tango" This note was written many years ago.
Dance is one of the most primitive forms of art.
 It expresses our life 
experiences and our personality in movements of our body. 
Tango Argentino facilitates our emotional, social and physical integration. 

It increases self-esteem, improves relationships, broadens the possibilities 
of movement, favors introspection and it is effective in managing stress and 
Its music is a mixture of melancholy, emotional altitude, transcendental 
expression, anxiety, anger and frustration, it wraps you as it floats in 
the air with a beauty that moves the heart and shakes the soul. 
Its lyrics are poems, the brush of a painter leaving on the canvas images of 
the city, the neighborhood, the street where you grew up, played, loved, and 
suffered. Mother, friends, lovers, cafes, cabarets, horse races, triumphs, 
failures, frustrations, peace and turmoil are the matter from which they are 
Tango does not require any preconception, you have a different experience 
with each partner, you learn more about yourself through the transient 
association with the other dancers. 
It refers to two human beings, wrapped 
by a music full of passion. Two entities that are introspected but fused in 
one. One could say that the dancing couple is a creature with two heads, 
arms, four legs and only one heart. 
The invitation to dance is an invisible connection , a silent dialog of eyes 
and gestures. 
I meet my partner on the dancing floor, stand in front of her. I offer my 
left hand and receive her right with a smile; 
place my right hand around her back, I bend slightly my knees and take a 
deep breath as I stretch my chest upwards. 

I cradle her in my arms for a moment as I feel the changes of weight of her 
body...I concentrate in the beat, let the music invade my body and my heart 
and start dancing my emotions, my joys, my sadness, my hopes and my 
 I feel free, I feel my life, I float in the air and glide 
When the music stops I hold her in my arms for a few extra moments, 
I contemplate her dreamy eyes full with gratitude, I smile and then 
walk her back to her seat. 
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