--- On Tue, 10/12/10, Huck Kennedy <tempeh...@gmail.com> wrote:

      Without disturbing anyone?  I think you may have misspelled
"without bumping into anyone."  Who's to say that nobody was
distracted from their ongoing tango reverie and yanked back into the
real world by being forced to deal with this.

 do I know? beecause I was there, looking over his shoulder and I have 
about 17 years of dancing tango in BsAs and at festivals all over the 
US.  Please note:  I said no one else should try it.  I am waaaaayyyyy 
more traditional and codigo-oriented than 99% of the posters here, so I 
am the wrong one to quibble with.  The man is
 Ernesto Delgado.  Look him up.  He doesn't teach, he just dances 
beautifully.  P.S. He, and other milongueros did NOT appreciate the way 
Gavito took up seven baldosas when he did his exaggerated leans altho 
they were all good friends.  


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