What I'm enthused about is arriving at a 'whole'  dance...from beginning to 
end... expressed throughout as one whole fluid reaction to the music.   I'm 
comparing again to language aquisition; the difference between studying 'parts 
of speech' (which doesn't work by-the-way) and hanging into a fluent 
conversation... as I see it from having just gone thru it., the BIG problem for 
the 2 and 3 years student is putting it all together and enjoying a complete 
dance...and at the end feeling that he expressed a whole, complete pice of 
art.   Don't you see what I'm getting at?  Fluency produces fluency...you study 
fluency by practicing fluency...not grammar.

"Life expands or contracts in direct proportion to one's courage." -Anais Nin
"The ultimate aim for every human being is to be immensely creative."
.. -Norman Mailer

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