--- On Mon, 1/17/11, barbara <barb...@tangobar-productions.com> wrote:

> I (as you know, NOT a nuevo enthusiast) have seen Homer Ladas dance very 
> simply and nicely on the smallest floor in San Franciso on a number of 
> occasions and with various partners. It takes experience and skill to 
> adapt from nuevo to social dancing, but mainly the right attitude . . .

Well, I certainly agree about attitude. The attitude that
one must get along with others on the floor doesn't come
easy. It has to be taught from day 1, and it can't be an

The difficulty with tango nuevo is that the attitude
fostered by typical classes is "I don't have to deal
with other people on the floor." That's fine in a workshop
or practica context but leads to problems at a milonga.

I'm glad to hear about Homer, but his careful behavior
is, sorry to say, exceptional. I know he's pretty influential
so we can hope that others will follow his example.
Maybe things are changing, and milongas will feel
different (better) in a few years.
That's great, but how long are we supposed to wait?

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