Sherri said; Constantly you ask a question  about  leading and then
you ignore what women have to say about leading,  what are  you looking
for? Take lots of private lessons, take lots of  classes, and  talk to
women to learn what you need to do to make it  better  ....sherrie

I'm sure lot’s of women have opinions  about leading  however in most cases
women don't lead in tango.
If a  man were to give you  his opinion about what style tango shoe you
should  be wearing and how high the  heel should be would you take him  
I doubt it.
My wife said maybe  men are too proud to  take advice from a woman and too
stupid to recognize it.  Could that be  the problem?????
I believe as leaders and followers we have  very  distinct roles in tango
and it’s been broken down to the umpteen degree  but  the simple truth is 
lead and women follow. If you dance  with a skilled  leader you close your
eyes and enjoy the ride with no  worries about what’s next  and no need to
prepare for anything. With  this leader you would never dream of  giving him
advice so why would you  subject a man who is not so skilled to your 
My wife is right  because I won't take leading advice from women  unless I'm
paying for a  lesson in order to get the advice I need from a   
I dance with the Argentines because my  wife  is one.  

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