Martin: What you discuss is completely clear to me....that is why all 
students need to be taught not only tango steps, pasos, figures, 
whatever you want to call them...but they must also be taught tango 
esthetics. Always the flashy dancers catch the eye of the ill-or 
non-informed. They have not been informed about what good close-embrace 
tango interior dance,not a showy exterior performance. I try to 
guide, especially woman who get caught up in all the flinging and 
flailing , that those displays are not real tango....and then I point 
out who are the really good, quiet, exquisitly musical and interpretive 
dancers on the floor. These follows need to develop an eye for the 
subtle...that comes with good instruction. I feel the women who want 
the dancing with the stars tango probably aren't really good tangueras 
and would be lousy to lead in subtle, heartfelt tango. They may think 
they are the elite, but are they?

An untrained observer simply cannot see the elegance, rapture and 
beauty that comes between an interior lead and his follow. Too bad for 
them..more for me...sherrie

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