Al wrote :Feet are important, but landing on the  toe first isn't. And 
on the toe first certainly doesn't affect the  way you lead.
It's pointless to argue with you, though.

This isn’t an  argument it’s a friendly discussion. 
The way we were taught to dance tango  affects how we dance. Everyone has 
different methods of teaching and everyone  has opinions about how tango 
should be danced. I don’t think I could sway anyone  over to my beliefs nor 
would I want to.
I was taught the way you lead starts  with the way you address the woman 
the way you stand in balance and on axis  heels together feet at an angle. The 
way you take her hand and where that hand  goes how and where you place 
your other hand and where you position your head.  Marking the music sending a 
signal to your partner by compressing into the floor  that you’re about to 
take that first step. Observing the flow of traffic and  respecting the floor 
and the other dancers. That’s how I was taught to lead and  we haven’t 
even taken a single step. As you can see the way that we are taught  influences 
the way we dance. In my world heel leads are not  permitted…haha


In a message dated 5/5/2011 3:01:25  P.M. Pacific Daylight Time, 
On 05/05/2011 22:26, wrote:
> The feet are what ground you to the  floor if it’s not that important
> to the teachers you’ve had it won’t  seem that important to you.

Feet are important, but landing on the toe  first isn't. And landing
on the toe first certainly doesn't affect the way  you lead.

It's pointless to argue with you, though.  

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