Jamie, As a classically trained musician, each beat I hear in tango (whether in 
2/4 or 4/4 time), is the crotchet (also called the quarter note). To my ears it 
is equivalent to one's heart beat which can quicken or slow down depending on 
the circumstances.So each step on a crotchet beat is taken at a faster pace 
than a step taken over a minim (which is twice the duration of a crotchet, by 
definition).In tango or any other music, the speed of each beat can vary across 
compositions. And within one composition, you can also find variations in the 
speed of each beat such as in Pugliese's arrangements which some dancers find 
challenging to dance to. By the way I also found El Afronte's performances 
challenging to dance to, because of their interpretation and varying of pace.I 
hope that helps - I tried to keep this short and simple.
> My question is: of those of you that are familiar with the terms "half > 
> note/minim" and "quarter note/crotchet", which would you associate with > the 
> normal tango walking beat? Is it a half note or a quarter note or > something 
> else?> > Jamie 
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