Today is the most content I've seen ontango-L for years. I do miss it. Tango-L 
started off for me being a advertisingtool for the Tango Fantasy on Miami 
beach. It was a fun way to meet many of theTango organizers that have become 
great friends. It's also been a majoreducational tool for those that had not 
been to Buenos Aries.  Itis sad to see things change but that is what life is 
all about, change. 
As Keith noted, we owe many thanks to Shahrulkh for his efforts that brought 
Tango into the digital age. 
Tango Dinosaurs, Unite on FaceBook is where I've found some of the old Tango 
friends that are sharing. There has not been the volume that Tango-L excited 
many of us with but it has been enjoyable.  
I always enjoy reading about what is going onin Tango around the world. I hope 
it can continue.
Tango Forever
Tango-L mailing list

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