we have an annual Festival that brings dancers from Canada, USA and Mexico.When 
observing the dancers, even the couples who have danced together for years, I 
noticed that the women step nicely with the music but the men often have 
mis-steps.It looks like the men are getting ahead of the music and thinking 
instead of listening. They are concerned with trying to set up the next figure 
while the women are listening to the music and not thinking ahead....the 
remedy?= Men ought to keep a simpler set of dance figures and only those that 
are completely mastered and able to appear spontaneously when the music calls 
for it. This would also require some familiarity with the music. So, instead of 
always taking classes and adding tricky figures, much better would be to nail 
down four or five fundamental moves and also listen to the music for some time 
each day....knowing the music and mastering only several fundamental movements 
will solve the problem.  Here is an example of such a dance and such a 
dancer.2012 octubre, Marina Colella y Javier Gramigna, en Roma

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| 2012 octubre, Marina Colella y Javier Gramigna, en Roma |
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