I agree with Keith: the tango-L list has led to friendships in and outside of 
the tango world. I recently took a trip to New York City, and posted on tango-L 
before I left, looking for contacts in the city to find quality milongas. I 
received several responses and successfully connected with one of those people. 
I had terrible cell phone tangles and problems that prevented me from meeting 
the other two listers (no fault of theirs, only my equipment), and then I 
sprained my ankle so badly that dancing became a distant possibility, but 
thanks to Michael I got one magical night of tango at Triangulo before I was 
injured. My welcome there and the high quality of dancing milonguero style 
renewed my enjoyment in dancing Argentine tango well and not settling for any 
dancing at all is better than none. Michael made my entry into the NYC scene 
effortless and put a lot of energy into making city and tango information 

Anyway, I’m so glad to learn as I catch up on the tango-L posts received while 
I was away, that the list will continue. I have come out of my shell and begun 
posting as this issue evolved, and I’m glad I did. 

Jocelyn Paine
(907) 276-8195
PO Box  91366
Anchorage, AK, 99509

Tango-L mailing list

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