Dear Lester....Derik here in Paris.  Thought that you would like to know 
about this.  I just published an e-book on Amazon last Tuesday May 17th and the 
first sale was in the UK to someone I do not  Now it is selling 
world wide.  Gabrielle Langley in Houston bought the book for 2.99 dollars US 
and reviewed it.  So far it has two 5 star reviews.  Below is a link and you 
can use it to see the first few pages of the thirty page book for free.  If you 
would like to review it from the free pages for good or bad that would be 
great.  The more reviews the better.  Also if anyone is coming to Paris the 
e-book has a current list of the best milongas  IN ENGLISH!!! Hope all 
is well with you.  Please say hello to everyone in Houston for me.  Have a 
great day.   First Tango in Paris: How to Dance Tango (First Tango in Cities 
Around the World Book 1)

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