Dear rekans,

Senat Mahasiswa Fasilkom UI dan KPLI Jakarta bersama-sama mengadakan
Debian Conference.

Sabtu, 13 December 2003

10.00 - 14.30

Universitas Indonesia Depok
Balai Sidang UI (samping BNI)

Rp 75.000,00 untuk umum
Rp 50.000,00 utk mhs/anggota KPLI Jakarta

Seminar "UI + Debian" - Bpk. Rahmat M. Samik-Ibrahim (UI)
Seminar "LDAP Debian" - Parlin Imanuel T. (UI)
Seminar "Pengembangan Solusi Bisnis berbasis Debian" Frans Thamura
Seminar "Remaster Knoppix" Bpk. Rusmanto (InfoLinux)

Dini ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) (08161661646/08158154551)
Ratih ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) (08158769841)
No rek : 5270740512 a/n Yenni Rahmawati BCA KCP Bina Nusantara

Setiap peserta akan mendapatkan:
1. Seminar KIT
2. Makan Siang
3. Sertifikat
4. Majalah InfoLinux
5. Majalah PC Magazine
6. Modul Seminar
7. CD Debian Depok, Knoppix, Debian Alternatif, Libra, Dsb (Untuk 300
Peserta pertama)


"Is that..."
"The Matrix? Yeah."
"Do you always look at it encoded?"

"Well you have to. The image translators work for the construct program. But
there's way too much information to decode the Matrix. You get used to it.
I... I don't even see the code. All I see is blonde, brunette, red-head.
Hey, you a... want a drink?"

                -- Neo and Cypher, "The Matrix"

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